Ultra Slim Shakes

Recently I've been feeling like all I do is work, sleep and eat rubbish. With having little time to actually cook anything fresh for myself, I always end up carb loading on pasta, noodles and my favourite, pizza. 

So to get me feeling a little lighter, and a bit more like myself, I've opted to swap a meal for a diet shake. I know this isn't for everyone but for me I find that swapping a meal out like this makes me less bloated and heavy, fast. 

I've tried Slim Fast and loved it, Herbalife too but when I saw these Ultra Slim cartons on offer in Tesco I thought I might as well give them a go. With a range of flavors to choose from, I thought I'd go for a mix of them all and see how they got on. 

Each carton contains around 215 to 217 calories, which is the equivalent to a small meal. Alongside 2 healthy meals and lots of water, Ultra Slim has me on the way to feeling like the old Beka again. 

You can find these in the diet & nutrition isle in Tesco :)

Have you ever tried any replacement diet shakes before? What's your best diet tip?

1 comment:

  1. I'd try detox smoothies/juicing after eating lots of junk food. Basically, grab a variety of different vegetables and fruits and get blending! It's a healthier alternative to meal replacement shakes, in my opinion, and it'll perk you up again and make you feel better!
    Though if you are using liquids to replace meals of any kind, be sure to still eat solid food (which I noted that you are doing.. so good job)! It's not a good idea to go on an all-liquids diet--you might overdo it and cause long-term health problems.
