Introducing Molly...

If you've read my blogs before you'll see a little guy called Tigger pop up every now and then when I'm up at Elliot's. He's a handsome but very greedy bichon frise that I have grown to love over the last year. But we all think that he gets a little but lonely...

Introducing Molly...the cutest little 6 month old puppy who's full of energy and loves a good snuggle. 

So that's how I spent my Easter, playing with these two white fluff balls. Isn't she beautiful?

I can say that we all love Molly to bits already, what a fun Easter!


  1. awww she is so cute! I'd love to get another dog but the one I already have would get so jealous haha
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  2. Awwwhh so cute! If i ever got a dog, I'd really want a white fluffy one :L xo

    1. Haha I have my eye on a husky for when I'm older. But these little cuties give some great cuddles. xx

  3. awwww ! she is so adorable :)
    The Inked Blonde
