Primark Sparklers

I mentioned on my Friday Favourites that I was heading out this weekend for some retail therapy, and boy do I feel good now!

I headed to Primark to bag myself a bargain and inject some life into my wardrobe. Spring is well and truly on it's way and when I saw these two necklaces hanging in the jewellery section I immediately placed them in my basket. 

Primark Necklace Review on Beka's Beauty. Beauty blogger and fashion blogger from Manchester and Cheshire.

Beauty blogger and fashion blogger from Manchester & Cheshire, North West shows you what Primark has to offer from Spring 2014.

Manchester, Cheshire & North West beauty blogger reviews Primark Necklace from Spring 2014 collection.
Fashion & Beauty blogger from Manchester & Cheshire writing about the gorgeous new necklaces from Primark.

What a statement these two necklaces make. Pastel, bejeweled pieces that post cost just £6. I think these are definite spring staple and you should get yourself down to Primark for a little taste of spring yourself.


  1. They're both so beautiful! I do worry about the quality of Primark's necklaces because the last statement one I bought completely broke :( Might have to give these a go though, they're too pretty to pass up! xx

    1. Nice aren't they. I had that issue once too but these are pretty sturdy in fairness. They should last the summer :)


  2. I can't believe that these are Primark!! They are absolutely gorgeous, I'll be keeping my eye out for them xx

    1. I know! I couldn't either! Glad I snapped these up xx

  3. Gorgeous! I love the pastel theme in the second one! xx Rena Kiss and Make Up

    1. Me too. I saw a Look magazine feature on their spring collection and there are a lot more of these types of necklaces being released!!!


  4. Replies
    1. Nice isn't it! I had so many compliments when I wore it xx

  5. Oooh, these are so pretty! (:

  6. I need to get down to Primark ASAP! These are incredibly beautiful and I'm in love with pastels at the moment.
    You've got a new follower here lovely! :) So glad I found your blog!

    Ellis - Ellis Tuesday
