Motivate Me Monday

I don't know why, but I've found getting myself motivated over the last few weeks very difficult. It might just be because its so groggy at the moment and I hate being stuck in an office all day, but I dunno, does anyone else find this?

So this week I want to get back on track. I've planned in my meals on MFP today and I plan to go for my walk/run for 30 minutes tonight. Let's get back into the swing of things again! 


  1. I felt like that last week too. I started a new meal plan today though so hopefully that will help me get back into the right mind set! :)
    Bea x
    As Seen By Bea

    1. Aww that's good to hear. Doing meal plans is so helpful isn't it? we can do this! x

  2. I have been feeling like this for the pst two weeks and I can't kick it. SO annoying cos there is so much I want to do but I can be bothered.

    1. I think just making that first step, even though it will be the hardest, will get you motivated again. I've stuck to my diet plan today and feel so much better for it xx

  3. I definitely needed some motivate me Monday! Thank you xx

